Text Adventure Game With Feelies
Text Adventure Game With Feelies

A limited edition printed version of the text adventure game Dorm including real-world Feelies.
This was presented as a gift to Kay Savetz, my pal and podcasting partner who inspired me to make the game in the first place.
Packaged copies were also sent to each of the beta testers to thank them for their invaluable assistance.
Want a copy for yourself? I have enough material left over to make a small number of additional packages. If you'd like to be told when they become available (if ever) let me know at one of the contact links at the bottom of the page.
The game is packaged in a baggie, reflecting both its old school aesthetic and the fact that I'm too cheap to make boxes. The layout of the enclosing folder is inspired by (that is, it totally rips off) the style of the Infocom grey boxes.

The printed feelies include a letter welcoming you to the 8-Bit Assembly, a guide to the event itself, a bookmark for Rockwurst College ("Your Mid-West Safety School"), and a trio of postcards: one for the 8-Bit Assembly, one for Yak Memory Systems floppy disks, and one Welcome To Kansas (or maybe Missouri). There's also a note card thanking the beta testers for helping find some of my many, many mistakes.

The game itself comes on a USB thumb drive shaped like a 5-1/4" floppy disk. There's also an enamel pin for the 8-Bit Assembly, fashioned in the style of the pins for KansasFest (the real-world event that the Assembly is based on).

The 8-Bit Assembly event guide includes a description of the activities and contests the player will participate in, which unsurprisingly contains clues necessary to solve some of the game's puzzles. The guide unfolds to reveal a tabloid size map of the campus where the event takes place, to help player's orient themselves.

DORM: Adventure at the 8-Bit Assembly was created by Carrington Vanston. It may be copied, distributed, and played freely.